Theft from my car: Am I covered?

Do you often carry valuable items with you in your car (like a cellphone, laptop, camera, or sports equipment)? If so, have you ever wondered if your insurance covers the theft of the contents of your vehicle? Read on to find out more.
Does your car insurance cover items stolen from your car?
It all depends on what is stolen. Generally, your car insurance covers equipment that is permanently attached to your car, items specific to the use of your vehicle, and parts that have been temporarily removed or are only used on a seasonal basis. Snow tires, roof boxes, bike racks, and child seats are all examples of items covered by your car insurance in case of theft.
Home insurance: Protecting your property at home and everywhere else
So what about personal belongings and any other items not used exclusively in your car—things like your cellphone, purse, bike, or even your child’s hockey gear? If items are stolen from your car, they fall under the personal property coverage included with your home insurance policy. Whether your belongings are at home or temporarily somewhere else, this coverage protects them against damage caused by covered risks such as theft, subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions set out in the policy. That’s why home insurance is a must for protecting the things you care about everywhere you go, even if you’re a tenant!
Good to know: Your insurance policy may limit claims to a maximum amount in case of theft, for example for your bicycle or for high-value items. Check with your damage insurance representative. If necessary, they can suggest extended coverage options to ensure your needs are met in case of theft.
To claim or not to claim, that is the question
Many people who have had items stolen from their cars prefer not to make a claim in order to avoid paying the deductible required under their home insurance policy. The deductible is the amount you have to pay yourself in the event of a loss. It usually ranges between $300 and $1,000, which means that claiming stolen goods worth less than the amount you have to pay to be compensated is futile. It’s best to assess the value of the property stolen from your car before starting a home or car insurance claim.
5 tips for keeping thieves away
Unfortunately, there’s no foolproof way to protect against car theft or vehicle break-ins, but you can reduce the risk by taking these preventive measures:
1. Park safely: Choose a busy, well-lit location when parking your car. At home, park in the garage or driveway whenever possible.
2. Always lock your car: Do so at all times, even for very short stops.
3. Never leave valuable items in your car: Be sure to remove sports equipment, jewellery, electronics, and so on from your car when you return home.
4. Store items in the trunk or out of sight: When carrying belongings or purchases, keep them in the trunk or out of sight.
5. Close your windows and sun roof: The most skilled thieves can easily unlock your car from even the smallest opening. Be sure to close your windows and sun roof completely at every stop.
THERE to answer your questions!
For more information on home insurance and personal property coverage for your car, contact a damage insurance representative at Promutuel Insurance today!