Legal Notice and Confidentiality

Please note that the Privacy Policy section was updated on September 12, 2024.

Consent to the use of your personal information
You, as the main insured or person responsible of your insurance file, have received a communication concerning the use of your personal information? Note that you can amend or withdraw your consent by calling your Mutual association. For more details, browse the Confidentiality section below.

Legal Notice

This section details the terms of use of our websites.  

The term “Promutuel Insurance” refers to the Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d’assurance générale, member mutual insurance associations affiliates and Promutuel Réassurance. Affiliates are not members of the Groupe Promutuel Fédération.

In Quebec, each mutual company that is a member of Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d’assurance générale is a damage insurance agency that distributes exclusively, by its damage insurance agents, all insurance products underwritten by Promutuel Insurance.

The content of this site is intended to provide information about products and services offered by Promutuel Insurance. It may be updated from time to time, but we cannot guarantee that it is up to date or complete at all times. Always refer to your insurance contracts for information about your warranties, coverage, amount of insurance and deductibles, as well as the limitations and exclusions applicable to you. In case of discrepancy, the insurance contract prevails over information available on this site.

As is the case for all Internet sites, use of Promutuel Insurance’s website is at the user’s risk. Promutuel Insurance cannot be held responsible for damages incurred following use of its website. Similarly, it cannot be held responsible in any way for possible use of information found therein. Promutuel Insurance provides no guarantees against errors, defects, malwares or interruption of use.

All products and services are subject to the terms and conditions of the contracts governing them.

Content provided on the site cannot in any way be considered as a formal offer to sell products and services. Consulting the site and submitting an application does not bind the user and Promutuel Insurance.

Certain conditions may apply for the user to obtain a product or service. The submission of an application is therefore subject to approval by Promutuel Insurance. Furthermore, products and services may have been modified since the time they were published on the sites.

To get more information about a specific product or service, contact your mutual association.

Products and services presented on Promutuel Insurance’s websites are intended exclusively for individuals who reside in the province of Québec or own assets there.

Links to other sites are provided for your convenience and do not serve to endorse the products, services or information provided on third-party websites. Promutuel Insurance does not control or endorse representations made by third parties that are linked to its website by hypertext or any other means. Promutuel Insurance may collect data for statistical purposes via a third-party website. To get more information on this topic, browse our Cookies Policy.

The layout and content of this website, including the graphics, text, abbreviations, drawings, emblems, symbols, pictograms, slogans, signs and any other work are protected by Canadian and Québec laws governing intellectual property and ownership rights. Unauthorized use of this content may be in violation of the Copyright Act and the Trademarks Act.

Users of these websites may not modify, copy, print, distribute, transmit, disseminate, reproduce, publish or download content from these websites without express approval from Promutuel Insurance. Users have the right to copy, print, transmit or download information for personal, non-commercial use on condition that they mention the source and ensure that the information is not modified in any way.

Any other download, reproduction, publication, redistribution, retransmission, dissemination or modification, in whole or in part, of content violates the laws protecting intellectual property and ownership rights and may subject the user to legal proceedings.

Promutuel Insurance may do business with web service providers located outside the province of Québec or outside Canada, including for survey participation and online contests. Be advised that any data, information, or documents you may provide to Promutuel Insurance under such circumstances may be hosted outside the province of Québec or outside Canada and will be subject to the laws that apply in other provinces, countries, or states. Furthermore, the terms of use and privacy policies of any service providers with whom Promutuel Insurance does business will apply in such circumstances. By completing surveys or contest entry forms, you agree to the above-stated terms.

Promutuel Insurance is pleased to be on FacebookTwitterLinkedInInstagram and Pinterest. We use these platforms to have conversations and share ideas. We love to hear your opinions, browse your comments, watch your videos, and admire your photos! We count on your participation to create a lively and courteous space.

To ensure everyone benefits from the discussions, we’ve established a few rules to govern the use of our various pages. Internet users who take part in the discussions agree to follow these rules.


You must be the author and owner of the content you post. Any content that violates the copyright or intellectual property of a third party will be deleted.

In addition, if you wish to post photos or videos on our platforms, you must first obtain the consent of the people who appear in them.

Promutuel Insurance reserves the right to deny publishing or delete any post that:

  • contains discriminatory, defamatory, abusive, vulgar, threatening, hateful, insulting, offensive, or sexual content
  • advertises or promotes something, whether of a personal or commercial nature
  • contains something of a partisan nature
  • contains capital letters
  • features incomprehensible or out of context content
  • contains personal or confidential information
  • features repetitive content
  • could cause harm to our insured members, employees, or business partners

If you violate any of the above-mentioned rules, Promutuel Insurance, can, at its own discretion, notify, suspend or block your account.

Promutuel Insurance is also not responsible for the content of Internet users’ posts on its platforms, including the opinions they convey. The comments made only concern the authors.

This netiquette may be amended at any time, without notice.

Contact us

For any information on the management of Promutuel Insurance’s social media accounts, contact us through FacebookTwitter or LinkedIn or send an email to [email protected].

Thanks. We look forward to our interactions!

Privacy Policy

This section explains how we protect your information and your privacy. 

At Promutuel Insurance, respecting your privacy is a top priority. That’s why we’re committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us, in accordance with current legislation. Our Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) describes why we collect your personal information, how it is used, and to whom we may disclose it.

This Policy complements and clarifies our privacy commitments and the choices available to you during our interactions.

In the event of any discrepancy between this Policy and the provisions of your insurance policies, the latter shall prevail.

Our Policy applies to any individual whose personal information is collected, used, or disclosed by Promutuel Insurance in the course of its activities, including:

  • If you are or have been in a business relationship with Promutuel Insurance
  • If you are or have been authorized to act on behalf of another person in accordance with a contract, instruction, or law
  • If you are an officer, director, or shareholder of any company
  • If you have requested information or a quote
  • If you have contacted us
  • If you are or have been in a business relationship with us or with any of our partners or suppliers
  • If you have contacted us at events or entered a contest
  • If you browse our websites

The Policy applies for as long as we hold any personal information about you, including following the end of a business relationship or interactions with you, until your personal information is destroyed.

* The name “Promutuel Insurance” means the Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d’assurance générale, the general mutual insurance associations that are its members, Promutuel CSP des Rives de Montréal inc., and Promutuel Reinsurance. Affiliates are not members of the Fédération du Groupe Promutuel.

What personal information do we collect?

In the course of our activities, we may collect various personal information about you. What do we mean by “personal information”? Any information about a natural person that directly or indirectly identifies this individual.

Did you know? Information about a business is generally not considered personal information as it does not concern an individual (a natural person).

The information we collect varies depending on your situation and our business relationship with you. This information may fall into one or more of the following categories.

We only collect your personal information on a need-to-have basis. Here we describe, with examples, the different categories of personal information about you that we may collect:

Information concerning your identity

  • Name and address
  • Marital status
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Driver’s licence number
  • Criminal record
  • Rights held (for example, a warrant)

Information concerning your insurable assets

  • Description and condition
  • Purchase history
  • Use
  • Value

Information concerning your insurance file

  • Driving record
  • Insurance quote or application
  • Details of your insurance (such as the premium or coverage)
  • Insurance history
  • Criminal record
  • Individuals authorized to act
  • Products to which you are linked

Financial information

  • Credit report
  • Payment history
  • Account number
  • Credit card or bank account numbers

Information concerning your claims

  • Circumstances of claims
  • Damages caused
  • Cost of damages
  • Photos, videos, recordings and testimonials concerning the incident
  • Details and history of losses

Health information

  • Physical or psychological harm arising from a current or past claim
  • Pre-existing medical conditions relevant to products held (such as a disability, need for glasses, etc.)

Information concerning your choices and preferences

  • Your communication preferences
  • Your behaviour and habits
  • Your activities and interests
  • Your personal situation

Information concerning your interactions with us

  • Audio or video recordings
  • Written communications
  • Answers to your questions

Information concerning your driving habits (APPI program)

  • Driving habits
  • Location

Security information

  • Investigation files and results
  • Criminal record

We may also collect any other information you may provide to us from time to time.

How do we collect it?

We collect your personal information in a number of ways during our interactions with you. In general, we collect it directly from you, but we may also collect it from third parties.

From you

In most cases we collect your personal information from you. For example, it may be information you provide to us when requesting a quote or filing a claim. It may also be information generated, obtained, or inferred from your use of our products and services.

From related persons or products

We may collect information through other individuals, for example, if you hold joint insurance or we obtain it from representatives of corporate policyholders. In some cases they may provide us with additional information about you.

From external, public, or private sources

Here are some examples of external sources from which we may collect information about you. We generally obtain your consent before collecting your information, but we may collect it without your consent if permitted by law. In all cases, we only do so if the collection is necessary to provide you with our products and services.

  • Credit bureaus and reporting agencies
  • Other insurers or financial institutions
  • Insurance databases
  • Brokers and other insurance product stakeholders
  • Service providers
  • Business partners
  • Regulatory bodies
  • Public registries and official records
  • Websites and social media

We may collect your information in many ways, such as by telephone or through digital means or other technologies.

With your consent, we may use technologies with features that can identify, locate, or profile you. This will be the case, for example, when you log into your Client Space or when you use APPI. These technologies can also help us make decisions to offer you the best product or service.

We may use your personal information for several reasons. The uses will vary depending on several factors, such as the products you hold, your claims, and the nature of our interactions.

In all cases, we only use personal information when necessary.

We have provided several examples below to show the reasons why we use your personal information:

To create your file and identify you

  • Confirm your identity and information
  • Update your file

To verify your eligibility for insurance products

  • Assess your situation, insurance file, and risks
  • Evaluate your applications
  • Offer you products that meet your needs
  • Check your eligibility for our offers and incentives
  • View and update your credit record
  • Manage our insurance risks

To provide you with requested products and services

  • Advise you on the most suitable products for you
  • Issue an insurance policy and insure your property
  • Make recommendations on certain actions to be taken
  • Process your insurance claims
  • Assist you with losses by referring you to partners
  • Get your opinion on your experience in relation to an interaction you had with us
  • Deal with your complaints and dissatisfaction

To offer you related products

  • Suggest products that may interest you based on products for which you have personal or representative rights

To ensure proper management of risk and our operations

  • Prevent and detect fraud
  • Perform due diligence or business transactions
  • Create statistical models, conduct studies, and analyze data to assess, prevent, infer, and predict risks related to your situation and that of our clients or third parties
  • Analyze the performance of our products and services
  • Design or modify our products
  • Improve or create new methods or practices

To ensure and improve the security of your information

  • Prevent and detect fraud
  • Monitor activities in your file and our systems
  • Work with third parties to prevent or suppress a crime or offence
  • Conduct investigations

To comply with legal requirements

  • Meet our tax, accounting, or financial requirements
  • Respond to court or regulatory requests, warrants, or orders

To benefit from your member status

  • Invite you to meetings
  • Determine your eligibility and issue dividends

To let you benefit from your choices

  • Personalize your experience by analyzing your situation, needs, and habits
  • Contact you with personalized offers
  • Get to know you better

As an insurer, we use or design statistical models and studies every day for any of the above-mentioned reasons. Your information may be used in these models when necessary. In some cases, the use of these models may generate or infer information about you.

We try to respect the best privacy principles. We implement strict frameworks that govern data use as well as measures to reduce risks, such as de-identification or the removal of identifiers where possible when using these statistical models and studies.

Our insurance business requires us to use predictive, decision-making, or descriptive models that help us make decisions and assess our risks. These models may be used for any of the above-described uses of your personal information. For example, a model can be built using a small or large amount of information. In some situations, this may result in the generation of new personal information about you.

We will respect your choices when you give us your consent. For example, if you refuse these choices entirely, we will not use these models to adapt the advertising we present to you, although they may be used to establish your rates.

Some of the decisions we make may also be based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information. In such cases, you will be informed at the time of the decision and may request a review, if necessary. Always looking out for new technologies to better serve you, Promutuel Insurance may use decision support tools.

We will never sell your personal information.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties for any of the purposes described in this Policy. This disclosure is always done for a legitimate purpose when it is necessary to do so, and we implement appropriate measures to ensure that a minimum amount of information is transmitted and kept secure.

We ensure that strict contractual obligations are in place so that anyone who has access to your personal information benefits from protection that is at least equivalent to the protection we ourselves provide.

Here are some examples of third parties to whom disclosure may be made during our business operations:

  • Within Promutuel Insurance
  • To persons acting in your name, on your behalf, or at your request, such as an attorney or agent
  • To an individual associated with the products you hold
  • To another insurer or its agents
  • To a financial institution
  • To an insurance broker
  • To courts, authorities, or law enforcement agencies
  • To insurance service providers such as claims adjusters or external prevention experts
  • To suppliers we use to process your file and claims (such as body shops and restoration service companies)
  • To providers of IT and office services
  • To providers of professional services such as legal, accounting, or advisory services
  • To providers of promotional and marketing services such as social media platforms
  • To credit reporting agencies
  • To third parties in the course of commercial transactions (for example, a potential buyer)
  • To any other individual authorized to receive it

In all cases, the disclosure is made in accordance with your consent choices.

Promutuel Insurance prioritizes access to your information or its retention in Québec. However, in today’s world, we regularly use suppliers or partners beyond our borders. In these cases, your information may be accessible or stored outside of Québec.


We generally obtain your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information during our initial interactions with you. This will be the case, for example, when you call us for a quote, visit our websites, or complete a survey.

The consent you provide always varies depending on why you are being asked for it and the sensitivity of the information collected. It may be more general or more concise, implicit or explicit, for a longer or shorter duration, or for one or more purposes.

To improve your experience, we will not ask for your consent in every interaction we have. However, we will do so from time to time during our business relationship for specific purposes or to use your information for reasons other than those that were initially disclosed.

You can easily change the scope of your consent at any time by contacting us. Changes will take effect within 30 days of your request.

However, we may have to take certain actions without your consent in some exceptional situations provided for by law. Examples of such situations include:

  • To comply with a court order or a constraint order
  • In an emergency
  • For the collection of a debt
  • To assist in the investigation of a criminal offence

The duration of the consents you provide to us varies according to the purposes for which they were given. We are able to manage all the consents that you give, refuse, or amend. We retain your personal information in accordance with the time limits prescribed by law and our internal tools.

We give you control over the personal information we hold about you. This is why Promutuel Insurance allows you to exercise the following rights and choices.

To provide us with your information

In some cases in which we will inform you of at the time of collection, you can refuse to provide us with the personal information we request.

However, most of the information requested is required because of our legal or business obligations. Your refusal may affect the delivery of our services, your insurance premium, the policy conditions, or even your ability to do business with us.

Right to consent to certain uses or withdraw your consent

At any time, you may withdraw your consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information, whether this use or disclosure is mandatory or optional. If mandatory, the withdrawal of your consent may end our business relationship.

To give you more control over the optional uses we may make of your personal information, during our initial contacts, we will offer you the choice to consent to each of the three optional uses below. These choices will be presented to you several times during our business relationship.

  • To share information and general offers about our products, activities, and events. For example, you may receive newsletters.
  • To provide you with personalized offers and recommendations based on your needs, behaviours, or habits.
    • This personalization is done using the personal information we collect from you or that we may infer about you based on the results of statistical studies, for example.
    • These communications allow us to reach you directly according to your needs and interests so you can benefit fully from our products and services.
    • For example, they could be used to propose custom products to you.
  • To consult you on various subjects related to insurance products that may interest you. For example, by asking you for your opinion on the public activities of Promutuel Insurance.

Communications may take any form, such as an email or a letter.

Your choice will not affect your premium or policy conditions, but in return you may no longer receive offers, discounts, or promotions based on your needs and tailored to your situation.

Your choice will also not affect the quality of the advice you receive from our representatives when analyzing your needs or situation or when delivering our services.

You will always receive communications for reasons directly related to the products and services you have. You will therefore always be contacted to receive your policies, assistance with your claims, or meet with a prevention expert, for example.

Right to access or view the information in our possession

You may view the personal information we hold about you and request a copy of it, except in specific cases provided for under the law.

Right to stop the release of your information

You may ask us to stop releasing some of your personal information under certain conditions. For example, this may be the case if you entered a contest or if you can be clearly seen in a photo that we published.

Right to have your personal information corrected, updated, or deleted

If your personal information in our possession is inaccurate, incomplete, or ambiguous, or if its collection, disclosure, or retention is not authorized by law, you may have it corrected, updated, or deleted.

Right to access some of your computerized personal information

You can ask us to communicate some of your personal information to you or a third party, such as another insurer. This right is known as the right to data portability. Unlike the right to access your information, only information that we hold in a computerized format and that has been collected from you may be subject to this right. This is largely the information you provided directly to us in your quotes or claims. This right does not extend to information we may have created, such as your premium, insurance coverage, or claims reports, and information that has not been collected from you. When you want us to communicate certain information to a third party, you must tell us who we should communicate it to, and you are responsible for verifying the validity of their contact information.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise your right to access, correct, delete, or stop the dissemination of your information, you can complete the Request to exercise rights concerning personal information form. To exercise your right to the disclosure of computerized personal information, you can complete the Request for communication of computerized personal information form

The applicable form must be sent to the Privacy Officer of the applicable mutual association or the Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d'assurance générale. You may use the same contact information to send us documents resulting from the exercise of any of these rights. 

You can refer to your insurance documents to identify the mutual company in question. You’ll find the required contact information in the “Privacy Officer” section below. 

Your written request will be processed within 30 days. If your request is denied in whole or in part, we will provide you with the reasons in writing and outline the means you can use to challenge the decision. 

We have strict security measures in place and continually update them to protect your information:

  • Limited retention periods
    Your information is retained for the period of time required to provide you with the products and services you use and to meet our legal obligations.
  • Storage locations
    We regularly use service providers to host or store your personal information. Whether your information is hosted in our own environment or by our suppliers, we are committed to requiring security measures that are equivalent to or superior to our own.
  • Security measures
    We deploy ever-evolving physical, technological, and administrative security measures to minimize the possibility of unauthorized access, intrusion, theft, loss, use, or disclosure of your personal information.
    For example, we use various layers of protection in our environments, have established an access management system as well as monitoring systems that can detect suspicious activities, use data encryption, provide continuous training to staff, and continually review our procedures for improvement purposes.
    In addition, when your information is no longer needed and reaches the end of its useful life, we use permanent and irreversible methods to destroy it. We require our suppliers to use equivalent techniques.

We may amend this Policy from time to time. When this happens, a notice will be posted on our websites. Your consent choices will not be affected by these changes.

If you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, you may contact the mutual association with which you do business or the Privacy Officer, whose contact information is provided below.

Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Bagot, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Boréale, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Kathy Bélanger
282, 1re Avenue Est,
Amos (Québec) J9T 1H3

[email protected]

Promutuel Centre-Sud, société mutuelle d’assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Côte-Sud, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel CSP des Rives de Montréal inc., société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel de l’Estuaire, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Deux-Montagnes, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel du Lac au Fleuve, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel du Saint-Laurent aux Appalaches, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Horizon Ouest, société mutuelle d’assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Lanaudière, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Bouthaina Méchichi
General manager
1075, boulevard Firestone, office 4100
Joliette (Québec) J6E 6X6

[email protected]

Promutuel Les Bâtisseurs, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Réassurance

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Outaouais Valley, mutual general insurance association

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Verchères-Les Forges, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Bagot, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Boréale, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Kathy Bélanger
282, 1re Avenue Est,
Amos (Québec) J9T 1H3

[email protected]

Promutuel Centre-Sud, société mutuelle d’assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Côte-Sud, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel CSP des Rives de Montréal inc., société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel de l’Estuaire, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Deux-Montagnes, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel du Lac au Fleuve, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel du Saint-Laurent aux Appalaches, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Horizon Ouest, société mutuelle d’assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Lanaudière, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Bouthaina Méchichi
General manager
1075, boulevard Firestone, office 4100
Joliette (Québec) J6E 6X6

[email protected]

Promutuel Les Bâtisseurs, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Réassurance

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Outaouais Valley, mutual general insurance association

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Promutuel Verchères-Les Forges, société mutuelle d'assurance générale

Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information
2000, boulevard Lebourgneuf, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G2K 0B6

[email protected]

Cookie Policy

This section details our use of cookies and other similar tools while your browse our websites.

A cookie is a small, coded text file that is automatically stored on your web browser when you browse a site.

We use cookies for many purposes, such as to remember your language preferences and location, or to optimize our websites based on your usage and profile so that we can suggest personalized content.

Some cookies are essential to the proper functioning of our websites. For example, an authentication cookie tells us whether you are logged in and which account you’re using, which allows us to define your access to our websites.

Here are the main cookies categories:

  • Session cookies: As their name suggests, session cookies are temporary. They are stored while you browse and expire as soon as you leave our websites.
  • Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies may remain on your browser for a period of time after your session is over. They can store your log-in information, contact details, or account numbers, so you don’t have to enter that information every time you use our websites. These cookies remain saved until they are deleted.
  • Internal cookies: Internal cookies are generated by our websites. They are generally used to store information about you, such as your chosen mutual insurance association and your browsing preferences.
  • Third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are created and stored by another website. They’re used to collect information like your behaviour and demographics, for targeted advertising that only benefits the third-party website.

Cookie Functions 

The cookies we use, whether internal or external, are grouped according to their different functions: 

  1. Strictly necessary
  2. Functionality
  3. Performance
  4. Targeted advertising
  5. Other functions

Based on their type and function, several kinds of information may be collected, such as:

  • Page visits
  • Date and time of visits
  • Type of browser, device and operating system
  • Actions taken
  • Ads clicked on

When you land on one of our websites, we automatically save strictly necessary and functionality cookies, as well as the cookies you accept, depending on your choice of consent on our cookie use banner. This cookie management is linked to the browser and the device you’re using. If you use another device or browser during your next visit, the banner asking you to manage your browsing cookies will reappear.

The cookies we use change from time to time.

 Strictly necessary cookies

Our websites need these cookies to function properly and be secure. They cannot be deactivated on our websites. They can remember your choices, display our pages properly or fill out forms.

We use these cookies to identify you, such as those that let you access the Client Space and stay connected while you browse the pages in that secure space.

We also use them to detect vulnerabilities, attempted intrusions, or fraud. Other technologies are also used to detect these risks and take the necessary steps.

Functionality cookies

We use these cookies to make sure that certain pages or features on our websites are functional.

Performance cookies

These cookies help us measure and improve our websites’ performance. We can use them to count the number of visitors to our page. We cannot use the data we collect to identify you directly.

Targeted advertising cookies

These cookies help us build a profile of your habits and interests so that we can provide you with relevant content. They can also be installed by our advertising partners. These cookies collect information like your browsing history and what actions you took. If you reject them, the ads you may receive will be less targeted and personalized.

Use of invisible pixels

We may use invisible and anonymous pixels on our websites. These are small cookies that can be used to analyze user behaviour. These pixels are not stored on your devices.

Your choices and rights

You can choose to accept or reject cookies, other than those that are strictly necessary and cannot be refused.

You can change your consent at any time by clicking on the “Cookies” link in the footer, which will take you back to the original banner. Your web page will then be refreshed to clear your browser of these cookies. If you do this while filling out one of our forms, you’ll lose any data you have entered.

If you configure your browser or use third-party tools to block these cookies, you may not have an optimal experience.

Browse the list of the cookies used and their functions.

We may update this Policy from time to time without notice. We encourage you to check it regularly.

If you have questions about this Policy, contact your mutual insurance association’s Privacy Officer at the address shown at the end of the Privacy Policy page.

Client Space

This sections contains the terms of use of your Client Space.

By accessing Promutuel Insurance’s Client Space, users agree and accept to comply with all the following terms and conditions and those included in the “Confidentiality and Legal Notice”, as well as in the “Cookies” sections of the website. Please refer to them and carefully read the terms and conditions in this document.

The information you have access to via the Client Space is subject to the terms and conditions of your insurance contract(s) with Promutuel Insurance. In the event of a discrepancy, the provisions of your insurance contract(s) will take precedence.

For the purposes of these terms of use, “we” refers to Promutuel Insurance. “You” refers to Client Space users.

Using your ID and password to access the Client Space is equivalent to signing an agreement and is legally binding. Furthermore, you agree that electronically activating your Client Space account by clicking on “Ok,” “I accept,” or any other similar buttons legally binds you and Promutuel Insurance as if you had signed a written document to that effect.

The Client Space you have access to via the Promutuel Insurance website gives you online access to your insurance documents, provided you are a current Promutuel Insurance client and you adhere to these terms of use. Please note that earlier paper versions of your insurance documents will not be available in your Client Space. It is your responsibility to save a paper or digital copy of your insurance documents available on your Client Space for future reference.

To access the Client Space, you must choose a user ID and password when you sign up. You must always keep this information confidential. It is also your responsibility to keep your ID and password private and ensure they are not disclosed to anyone under any circumstances. Promutuel Insurance will not be held liable for loss or damage that may result, directly or indirectly, from the use of the Client Space ID and password or from any activities carried out by someone using it.

Please contact Promutuel Insurance immediately by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-866-999-2433 if you notice any unauthorized use of your ID or password.

Using your ID and password to access your Client Space is equivalent to signing an agreement and is legally binding. Furthermore, you agree that electronically activating your Client Space account by clicking on “Ok,” “I accept,” or any other similar buttons legally binds you and Promutuel Insurance as if you had signed a written document to that effect.

Promutuel Insurance reserves the right to terminate your access to your Client Space at any time or alter these terms of use for any reason whatsoever and without prior notice. You therefore undertake to consult these terms of use regularly because they may change from time to time and your use of the Client Space demonstrates your acceptance of all changes to these terms. You may also terminate your access to your Client Space by following the procedure laid down in this document.

You always have the option to deactivate your Client Space account through your personal secure account. Please note that even if you deactivate your user account, Promutuel Insurance reserves the right to retain your personal information.

Should you wish to compel Promutuel Insurance to delete all your personal information, it is your sole responsibility to send a written request to that effect to us at the following address: [email protected].

By creating a Client Space account, you are choosing to access your insurance documents electronically and understand that Promutuel Insurance will no longer automatically send you a paper copy of those same documents. If you wish, you can contact us at any time to opt out of the online policy.

Promutuel Insurance will send you a notification email when a new document is uploaded to your Client Space. You are fully responsible for accessing your Client Space to familiarize yourself with any new document. It will be assumed that any document provided to you through your Client Space has been validly issued under the applicable provisions of the Civil Code of Quebec, and that an email to this effect will be sent to you by Promutuel Insurance.

Furthermore, by choosing to access your documents online via the Client Space, you recognize that the legal standing of your documents is the same as if they had been sent to you in paper format and that they are admissible as evidence in court.

Through your Client Space, you can easily access your insurance policy in its entirety. Some information available in your Client Space, including summaries of coverage purchased under the terms of an insurance policy, is presented for informational purposes only and is subject to the definitions, conditions, limitations, and exclusions detailed in your insurance policy. You should therefore refer to your insurance policy to verify all the applicable coverage and exclusions, because in the event of a discrepancy or incongruity between the insurance policy and a reference to it in your Client Space, the insurance policy will prevail.

Promutuel Insurance offers no warranties regarding the use of the Client Space, which is provided as is. Promutuel Insurance cannot guarantee that the Client Space will be available or functional and cannot guarantee it will be free of errors, malwares, or other issues. Access to the Client Space or its functioning may be interrupted for security or technical reasons. Furthermore, Promutuel Insurance cannot be held liable for the content or the accuracy of information available in the Client Space, which is presumed to be accurate at the time it is put online.

You undertake to hold Promutuel Insurance harmless from any direct or indirect damage, losses, claims, or costs arising from your use of the Client Space or your inability to access it.

If you have any technical problems while using the Client Space, please contact Promutuel Insurance by email, at [email protected] or by phone at 1-844-666-2746.

Our office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., except on statutory holidays, and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


This section includes details on the APPI app and its program. 


For the purposes of these terms of use, capitalized terms have the meaning ascribed to them in the following definitions:

Promutuel Insurance”, “We”, “Us”, and “Our” refer to a member mutual insurance association of Groupe Promutuel Fédération de sociétés mutuelles d’assurance générale.

You” and “Your” refer to any primary driver of at least one Eligible Passenger Vehicle on at least one car insurance policy in force with Promutuel Insurance who is enrolled in the APPI program.

Eligible Person” means any person who meets the eligibility requirements set out in Section 3.1 of these terms of use.

Eligible Passenger Vehicle” means any passenger vehicle that meets the eligibility requirements set out in Section 3.2 of these terms of use.

Eligible Operating System” means any operating system that meets the eligibility requirements set out in Section 3.3 of these terms of use.

Driving Data” means the Driving Data indicated in Section 5.1 of these terms of use.

You expressly agree to these terms of use and You undertake to comply with them upon Your enrolment in the APPI program, i.e., when Your account is activated from the APPI app.

If You disagree with these terms of use, please refrain from enrolling in the APPI program or withdraw from the program, whichever applies, and do not use the APPI app.

You may withdraw from the APPI program at any time and at no cost by calling 1-8-PROMUTUEL (1-877-668-8835).

Please note that all conditions, limitations, and exclusions of any car insurance policy on which You are a primary driver apply in full and supersede these terms of use.

Your eligibility for the APPI program is subject to the conditions below.


To be eligible for the APPI program, You must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Accept these terms of use
  • Be the primary driver of at least one Eligible Passenger Vehicle for which the annual insurance premium payable is $300 or more, excluding taxes and insurance premiums payable for any endorsements added to the policy or policies in force with Promutuel Insurance
  • Have a valid email address that You check regularly
  • Be insured or insurable, as applicable, with Promutuel Insurance
  • Have a smartphone with an Eligible Operating System


To be eligible for the APPI program, the passenger vehicle must meet the following requirements:

  • The vehicle must be registered in the name of an individual
  • The vehicle must primarily be driven in Quebec. Note that the APPI app will still record travel outside the province

For the purposes of these terms of use, a passenger vehicle is a motor vehicle designed or equipped primarily to transport people for personal use on streets and highways. We consider passenger vehicles to include cars, station wagons, vans, and some pickup trucks whose weight does not exceed 4,500 kg (10,000 lb.).


Your smartphone must meet the following requirements:

  • iPhone: model running operating system iOS 11.0 or later
  • Android: model running operating system Android 6.0 or later
  • The APPI app must be installed on Your smartphone at all times and You must be logged into Your customer account at all times
  • When Your vehicle is in motion, the geolocation (GPS) and motion detection features on Your smartphone must always be turned on

Despite the above requirements, some smartphones may not be eligible for the APPI program due to technical considerations. Please call 1-844-770-APPI to make sure Your smartphone is eligible.


By meeting the eligibility requirements outlined herein, You will be able to earn reward points. The value of the points is based on the following conversion rate: 100 points = 1 Canadian dollar.


Driving score

You will be assigned a driving score for every trip based on Your driving habits and behaviour detected by the APPI app. 

APPI collects, analyzes, and uses the following Driving Data to calculate Your driving score: 

  • Speeds (met or exceeded)
  • Acceleration (smooth or sudden)
  • Braking (soft or hard)
  • Turns (smooth or abrupt)
  • Distracted driving (stopped and moving)
  • Travel times (night or day)
  • Roads used (highways or secondary roads)

Note that in addition to this Driving Data, the APPI app also records Your mileage. However, mileage does not affect Your driving score.

Reward points

Reward points are calculated using the following data:

  • Driving score
  • The total annual insurance premium payable for the Eligible Passenger Vehicle(s) for which You are the primary driver, excluding taxes and insurance premiums for endorsements, if applicable

Every Wednesday, your average driving score for the week will be converted into reward points redeemable under the terms and conditions set forth in Section 4.3 Reward catalogue below. Your average driving score must be 85% or higher to earn reward points for a given week.

Reward points are earned once a week, from Wednesday to Wednesday. You will receive a notification on the APPI app on Wednesday at noon if You earned points since the Wednesday before.  If You do not earn or are ineligible for reward points in a given week, You will not receive a notification. The points You earn during the next week will be awarded the following Wednesday.


Once You have earned at least 5,000 reward points, You may redeem them for a gift card from the selection in the “Rewards” section of the APPI app.


Reward points cannot be transferred to another APPI user.

Promutuel Insurance is concerned with protecting Your privacy and personal information. In order for Us to provide You with Our services and develop the APPI program and for You to use the program, We collect and use certain data and personal information about You. The terms and conditions governing the information We collect and how it is used are provided below.


In addition to the personal information You provide when You enrol in the APPI program (e.g., Your name, email address, and cellphone number), the APPI app collects the following data:

  • Mobile device location (GPS)
  • Speeds (met or exceeded)
  • Acceleration (smooth or sudden)
  • Braking (soft or hard)
  • Turns (smooth or abrupt)
  • Distracted driving (stopped and moving)
  • Travel times (night or day)
  • Roads used (highways or secondary roads)

Note that in addition to this Driving Data, the APPI app also records Your mileage. However, mileage does not affect Your driving score.


The APPI app collects Driving Data and then transmits it over the cellular or wireless network to our telematics provider, where it is processed and returned in a format that can be displayed and viewed in the APPI app. If You configure the APPI app to transfer Your Driving Data over the cellular network, Your mobile phone operator’s standard fees apply.


Promutuel Insurance puts all necessary measures in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of Your personal information and Driving Data.
Subject to the provisions of these terms of use, the Driving Data and personal information collected will never be sold or shared with third parties or used for purposes or by people other than under the terms and conditions stated herein, and will be used only in accordance with the APPI program to help You earn rewards.
Authorized Promutuel Insurance employees will have access to Your Driving Data, driving score, the reward points You have earned, and Your personal information when such access is required to answer Your questions, handle Your requests, perform tasks related to Your insurance products, complete analyses and actuarial and rate forecasts, or so that You can benefit from other offers or products.
Furthermore, certain Driving Data and personal information may be communicated to our providers or agents in order to offer and improve the APPI program. In such cases, these providers or agents are required to preserve the confidentiality of the data and personal information to which they have access and may not use it for purposes other than to deliver the services for which they have been commissioned.
All access, transmission, or use of Your data and personal information by Promutuel Insurance, and its employees, providers, and agents will be limited to what is necessary for them to fulfil their individual duties.
Your Driving Data will not be used to determine Your liability in the event of a loss or to increase Your insurance premium.


You can view your Driving Data by logging into the APPI app.


We use Google Analytics to collect non-identifying information on APPI app users’ browsing behaviour. This data is not personally identifiable. We use it to offer and improve the APPI app, our portals and websites, and the services we offer.
Cookies may be placed on Your phone. They are not intended to identify You. They collect navigational information from the phone on which they are stored.


  • 6.1.1 BY YOU

You may cancel Your APPI membership at any time, without charge or penalty, by calling 1-8-PROMUTUEL (1-877-668-8835).

Expiry of reward points: Your reward points will automatically expire on the day You unenrol and will no longer be redeemable. Be sure to redeem the reward points You have earned before cancelling Your membership.


If You do not earn or redeem reward points for a consecutive period of one (1) year, You will be considered an inactive user and Promutuel Insurance will have the right to cancel Your membership and let Your unused reward points expire.

Promutuel Insurance will send You a notice of inactivity within 30 to 60 days of the expiry date of Your reward points to inform You that Your points will expire due to inactivity on the date indicated in the notice and to encourage You to start earning or redeeming points before they expire.

Expiry of reward points: If You do not start earning or redeeming reward points again within the timeframe indicated in the notice, Your points will automatically expire on the date indicated in the notice and will no longer be redeemable.


If Promutuel Insurance feels that You are using APPI inappropriately, that there is something wrong with the data collected, that You are not complying with these terms of use, or that You are violating the terms of Your insurance policy or policies, it reserves the right to cancel Your membership.

Expiry of reward points: Your reward points will automatically expire on the date Promutuel Insurance cancels Your membership and will no longer be redeemable.


Expiry of reward points: In this situation, if a change to the insurance policy(ies) results in You no longer meeting the APPI program eligibility requirements, Your reward points will automatically expire on the effective date of the change, and You will no longer be able to claim rewards. Be sure to redeem the reward points You have earned prior to the effective date of the change.



Expiry of reward points: Your reward points will automatically expire on the date the policyholder terminates the policy(ies), and You will no longer be able to claim rewards. Be sure to redeem the reward points You have earned before the termination date.


Expiry of reward points: Your reward points will automatically expire on the date Promutuel Insurance terminates the policy(ies), and You will no longer be able to claim rewards. Be sure to redeem the reward points You have earned before the termination date.


Expiry of reward points: Your reward points will expire automatically and without notice and will no longer be redeemable.


    • Re-eligibility: In the event You are able to once again meet the eligibility requirements of the APPI program, Your membership will automatically be reactivated. You will receive an email from Promutuel Insurance to inform You of this.
    • Time limit for redeeming points at the discretion of Promutuel Insurance: In the situations described in sections 6.2, 6.3.1, and 6.3.2 herein, Promutuel Insurance may, at its discretion, grant You thirty (30) days to redeem Your reward points. This time limit will be calculated starting from the time the event causing the reward points to expire occurred, according to the situation that concerns You. Promutuel Insurance will contact You to inform you of this, if applicable. Such redemption remains subject to the terms of use, including the minimum point threshold.

Promutuel Insurance reserves the right, at any time and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this section:

  • To amend the provisions of these terms of use
  • To make changes to the APPI program
  • To terminate the APPI program and these terms of use

Promutuel Insurance will send You a change notice no later than 30 days prior to the effective date of a change or 60 to 90 days prior to the effective date of a change deemed essential, such as the termination of the APPI program and its terms of use.

Change notices sent by Promutuel Insurance will only include the following:

  • The new and/or amended provisions
  • The original provisions, if applicable
  • The effective date of the change
  • A statement that You may terminate Your APPI membership at any time, without charge or penalty, by calling 1-8-PROMUTUEL (1-877-668-8835)

You agree to review the terms of use and any modifications on a regular basis, as Your membership or continued participation in the APPI program will be considered acceptance of any changes to these terms of use.

The APPI app, the logos, names, images, and text used in the APPI app and the APPI program, and all other forms of intellectual property, are the exclusive property of Promutuel Insurance.

Subject to Your compliance with these terms of use, Promutuel Insurance grants You a limited, revocable, non-transferable licence to use the APPI app on Your smartphone.

App Store, iOS, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.

Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

Promutuel Insurance and its suppliers offer no warranties regarding the use of the APPI app, which is offered as is. Promutuel Insurance cannot guarantee that the APPI app will be available or functional and cannot guarantee it will be free of errors, bugs, and computer viruses. You assume all the risks inherent in its use.

With the exception of damages that may be caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct, Promutuel Insurance and its suppliers cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by the APPI program. Promutuel Insurance and its suppliers are also not responsible for the redemption of reward points or the use of rewards.

We also encourage You to exercise caution and to comply with road safety laws and regulations. Current laws prohibit the use of a smartphone or other handheld electronic device while driving. Please stow Your phone safely before You leave and do not use it while driving.

Promutuel Insurance and its suppliers will be released from all liability, and You undertake to hold them harmless from any and all damages, losses, breakage, claims or expenses, direct or indirect, resulting from Your use of a phone or other handheld electronic device while driving, in violation of applicable laws and regulations.

It is Your responsibility to update the APPI app and Your phone operating system as required to ensure proper operation.

Under no circumstances do these terms of use change the terms of use of the App Store or Google Play, as applicable.

The installation and use of the APPI app may increase Your smartphone’s battery use. Your phone must have enough battery charge to record Your Driving Data.

These terms of use will be interpreted and governed by the laws and regulations in effect in the Province of Quebec and the applicable laws and regulations of Canada.

If You have technical difficulties, feel free to call Promutuel Insurance at 1-844-770-APPI (1-844-770-2774).