To uphold our mutualist values

Groupe Promutuel and its member companies firmly believe that the rigorous application of best governance practices is the key to upholding their mutualist values. Every effort is made to ensure we have the necessary structure and support to establish and uphold sound governance principles.

When we embrace best practices in governance, regulatory compliance, and risk management, our insureds benefit from the healthy, prudent, and effective management of our operations. To that end we have developed governance standards in line with the established policies and processes that govern who we are and what we do.


Roles and responsibilities of executives

Our directors and executives must be honest, fair, and highly ethical. Besides upholding the necessary level of integrity, they must have and develop the skills they need to fulfill the roles, responsibilities, and obligations incumbent upon them.


Business risk management

Groupe Promutuel’s management framework is administered and overseen by various stakeholders and committees and addresses all the risks to which Promutuel is exposed. The board of directors is responsible for determining risk tolerance levels. It must also approve the development, review, and implementation of risk monitoring and control policies.


Internal controls, independent supervision, and operational audits

Our internal controls are effective and efficient. They are based on reports from the people responsible for risk management and regulatory compliance, along with any other reports drawn up for the board of directors.

Furthermore, our internal controls are subject to various external oversight mechanisms, including external audits.

The board of directors tasks the audit committee with ensuring compliance with sound business practices and sound and prudent management practices.


Ethics and professional conduct

The board’s ethics committee helps Groupe Promutuel apply a code of ethics and professional conduct that addresses both potential and apparent conflicts of interest. The ethics committee conducts annual assessments of the board’s integrity and collective competence.



Groupe Promutuel’s governance framework includes a program, policies, and a self-assessment mechanism all designed to ensure the Group follows best governance practices.